I'm in Denmark. The hotel computer is really old, and slower than darwinistic evolution. Gotta love the sounds of old keyboard-keys tho. Creates some nostalgia and brings back memories of old PC games. Miles away from my Wacom, and no scanner in sight, there's no scetches for you anytime soon. Haven't drawn anything on the trip anyways. Drawring and reading while driving is generally a bad idea. Only scribbled down some notes on my comic-project. I'm trying to set the pacing of the plot before writing it. Should apprehend long and angsty storyarcs, and make editing the plot later, easier. Or that's the theory, anyways.
Thus far, it's been mostly radiolistening, daydreaming, stopping here and there to be tourist or doing some reading. I got hold of the fat book collecting the Rainbow Six serries (or most of them methinks). So far, it seems alright. Got a Warhammer 40k novel and plenty of paper to draw on, should the spooks get boring.
Sweedish Radio Bandit was awesome. Or at least, from the Norwegian boarder and to Göteborg. They played some good stuff, ACDC, Metallica, some old classics of Guns & Roses, Iron Maiden, the good rock from the 80's, and a less whimpy title from Nickleback that renewed my view of the artist. I even heard some Disturbed before the signal gave out. Once in Göteborg however, Bandit radiowaves was changed with the local flavour of the same company. They still called themselves Bandit, but was clearly hit by a pussyfication-ray at some point. Angsty emo-rock, female artist who call their music rock because of daddy-issiues or because no other genre will claim them, mixes of the two and downhill from there. True, still no rap and such nonsense, but despite Dream Evils lyrics in "No Way", rock and roll DID die. Or at least, it felt like it. "Fairytale" by Rybakk is NOT, under ANY curcomstances, Rock. My father claim we have a Bandit radio-channel at home too, but from what I can remember from Norwegian radio, they must have the Göteborg-syndrome.
Finaly got some much needed e-mails from Teesside, regarding accomodation. Should have a chance to fiddle a bit with that stuph while I'm here. Tomorrow, perhaps. Sooner than later.
I miss my girlfriend. All the way over in Thailand, she be. Danish beach-girls and blond sweedish jailbait just isn't a fraction as interesting when you got someone you like. Miss you a lot, kitteh.
Will write more later-ish.
Happy surfing.