My reply is simple:
In a decade of gaming ruled by the physics-engines, stands a small, well written, well excecuted, well F**KING TESTED game that created more hype and viral fallout than much else that have spawned these last 10 years. All this was achieved WITHOUT A SINGLE QUICK-TIME EVENT.
True, we still have a good 3 months left (if you start with 2k) before the celtic calendar throws in the towel.
And there have been much good gaming to be had in my lifetime, but in the end, each and every one of us will have some memories for what made each game awesome. My most awesome gaming experience since Zelda:OoT, is Portal. There will be a lot back and forth what is the greatest game of the decade. Morrowind and Oblivion, Rome: Total War, Halo, Super Mario Galaxy, BioShock, WarCraft3, Zelda: Twilight Princess, GTA VI and NeverwinterNights. There are a lot of fantastic games, of different genres, of different times, themes and styles.
I will live to be very old, without forgetting any one of these great games. But I will still twitch a little, whenever I see a birthday cake...

What is your game of the decade?