anyway, our renders (after Michael has worked his composit magic) is looking like the awesome visual porn it should. I've requested of Michael to harvest out this frame from the render:

and make a wallpaper out of it.
But we all got stuff to do, so that can wait. Andreas says that it kinda looks like GRID
Anyways, I'm animating right now. The work flow of having your group members approve of your animation before it gets properly rendered, has got more than one positive effect. We'd of course give feedback to each other regardless, but the sense of approval is motivating to me. It's like saying "Your work is decent. Way to go." And I think that means a lot. You do not only seek to please your inner eye, but meet the standards of the people around you. And you achieve it. It's awesome. We're still hauling ass to make the deadline, and the standards might be ever so slightly lowered, but it's a lot easier with this little push.
That's all I have to say for now. I'm about to grab lunch, and then I'll make K9 into a ballerina dancer. I'm (too) slowly compiling some topics for a new videoblog-thingie, and you'd think it would be the easiest thing in the world just to rant, but it takes some work. It'l be done when it's done.
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