mandag 29. juni 2009

"Would you like a shave, sir? Closest shave you ever had..."
Me as Sweeny Todd. Just saw the movie. I do love a happy ending =^_^=

søndag 28. juni 2009

so the whole "scetch-a-day" thing got fux0rd. whatever. Now I just draw.
draw draw draw

I'm playing a lot of Dawn of War II now. It's awesome. Unlike most RTS-games it doesn't focus on buildings. It's more focused on fighting the right enemy with the right weapon, although it will get better at this. in competetive gaming right now, it's a bit of a grief-favoring tech-race. but I usually don't play PVP anyways, and there's a large patch coming soon this summer. still, even now, it's not your average "chose the right buildorder=win" RTS. units have very spesific roles, and things got counters.

I highly recommend it.

happy surfing

lørdag 27. juni 2009

mandag 22. juni 2009
I can't this out of my of my head, so I kept humming while I was watering the plants. My neighbors probably think I'm insane. I'm cool with that.

Yesterday, I had a Buffy;TheVampireSlayer-marathon with my sister. All friggin day. So no scetch then. Also I already were behind with one, so I have 2 more to do today.

First I'm going to work out, though. So I'll update this later today.


I think this might be the cutest comic I've ever drawn. When I play Pyro in TF2, I sometimes come down with what I call "Medic Syndrome". An unhealthy urge to support one single teammate. This isn't really the best tactic, you should support all your teammates to gain advantige. And yet, usually Medics tend to prioretize heavys, and in my case, I usually find a single engie somewhere and, well... I think it's like parental instinct or something. I find myself protecting this single engie and its contraptions from enemys and spies, without a care for if the other teammates might need me.

also, I think I've covered most of the worst ways to render fire...


pisspoor rendering of the TF2-tan sniper. Lets pretend I managed to upload this 4 minutes earlier, huh?

one to do, but might not be much updating today, I'm expecting company. But first, I sleep.

Happy surfing

lørdag 20. juni 2009

more man than you'll ever hope to be!
I kept laughing as I drew this. The funny thing is, the explotion is actually too small :P (for composition)

more thunders in the sky today, and other stuff, but I think I'll draw more today :)

fredag 19. juni 2009

thunderstorm had me plug out the computer the later half of the day. And instead of scetching oldschool on paper :P I snuggled up in the most comfy chear in the house and read my favorite comicbook. now I'm heading out for movie-night with the guys, Promise 2 scetches for tomorrow :)

Andreas; You do realize that your scetches-to-do are just piling up? :P It'll only get worse...

torsdag 18. juni 2009

mixing up some colours, it's a horrible pose to draw.

onsdag 17. juni 2009

some actuall colour! and a kitteh! =^_^=

My fellow students packed up and left today. Right now, most of them are in downtown oslo and getting drunk I reccon. Personaly, I'm dropping by school tomorrow, getting some final things done.

happy surfing

tirsdag 16. juni 2009

I've seen her do this. Twice. I really wanted to hug her both times.

Was going to make something moar interesting, but this comic have been stuck in my creative system for weeks now. Alsø, Andreas have joined my "Scetch-a-day". Still encouraging anyone else to joine. :)

mandag 15. juni 2009

I usually don't applaud failure or projects that just fade in the industry, but I'm rather found of the original.

The film is done, the short makingof is done, only got the selfasessment thingie left, due wednesday...

it kinda leaves my blog open for new exiting things.... and because I haven't been particulary productive as of late (which usually happens in the timeperiod after I'm done with something large), I've decided to reboot a couple of projects of mine. First of all I'm gonna pick up the pace with writing the story for my future webcomic. I might even post some stuff here. I'm a bit shy about my work, but maybe, just maybe, I'll get some usefull feedback, and it'll improve the project.

Second, I need to get around the whole 2D animation process. Or rather, I need to learn the damn software, so hopefully a couple of flash animations and stuff will pop up here soon.

Last, and from my perspective maybe the most important and huge thingie.... I need to draw more. First thing to kick off the improductivity will be the "scetch-a-day" routine. I will post SOMETHING here. Every day. I make no promises about quality, and I might post several pieces some days to give me a couple of days off, but basicly. SOMETING. EVERY. GOD. DAMN. DAY! Or shame on me! Practice makes perfect, and scetching a little bit every day will not only improve my drawings a tad, but it'll also force start my creativity.

Oh, and the comic above is todays thingie. I intend to draw more today, but I dunno if I'll post it here.

I encurage all my friends to do the same thing, and I hope that we can suply eachother with feedback and comments to get the ball rolling. Regardless of what you do, thanks for your support.

Happy surfing :)

EDIT; here's a doodle.

doesn't even qualify as a scetch, I didn't put any thought into it, and thus nothing is correct in it. Still, it proves that listening to ACDC all day affect what you draw :P

torsdag 4. juni 2009

it be done